Sunday, April 09, 2006
Time for an update
An update was due for a long time. First a beautiful song that i heard a few days ago n just fell in love with it.

Well I know its kind of late
I hope i didnt wake u,
What i gotta say cant wait,
I know u'd understand,
Bcos everytime i tried to tell u
The words just came out wrong,
So i've to say I Love U in a song

And i know its kind of strange,
Everytime Im near u
I just run out of things to say,
I know u'd understand,
Bcos everytime i tried to tell u
The words just came out wrong,
So i've to say I Love U in a song

Bcos everytime the time was right
The words just came out wrong,
So i've to say I Love U in a song

Well I know its kind of late
I hope i didnt wake u,
There's something I just gotta say,
I know u'd understand...................

Cant stop humming this song its on my lips all the time

Just cant understand why this increased reservation? I think its the General Category that will need reservation after a few decades. This is taking Protective Discrimination too far. Already the reserved seats in prestigious institutes remain vacant, then what purpose does it really serve to increase the quota? If some seats had to be reserved for certain OBC's then a certain percentage should have been allocated to them in d existing quota so that d total percentage of reserved seats remained d same. I hope our politicians will someday set aside d votebank politics and think logically..........Now thts called indulging in wishful thinking;)

There's a peaceful demonstration at Jawahar Lal Stadium on 11th April at 5 pm to protest against this increase in reservation. Pass d message around guys n be there its about d future of our youth. ..........

Exams around d corner so me started studying 2day, dont know what effect this will hv on d posting frequency but hope to post somethin soon....... Sayonara :)
posted by manu_the_lawgiver @ 2:09 PM  
  • At 11:35 PM, Blogger Neha said…

    finally an update!
    and perfect

    abt the reservation issue.. i was thinking of writing on it too. u beat me this time :)
    will these politicions think of things other than their vote banks..

  • At 2:21 AM, Blogger manu_the_lawgiver said…

    @ neha, y do u always have to think of things in terms of winning n losing or beating n being beaten:P U too should blog about d reservation thing n express ur own personal opinion.i read ur 'college getting over wala post' n im coming up with my version of it sooon. so dont call it plagiarism;) was reading ur blog n realised that i even innocently churaoed d title of one of ur posts i.e. "time for an update" . U can sue me now for copyright infringement and nibhao ur enemity wid me;)Thanks for all ur comments, keep them coming, they r always eagerly awaited:)

  • At 9:39 PM, Blogger Neha said…

    now tht uv given me the idea i think i will do tht :P

  • At 1:43 AM, Blogger if i were brave said…

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • At 8:36 PM, Blogger manu_the_lawgiver said…

    @neha, hey hope u didnt find d reply rude. Me was just kidding in d starting lines. Read d last line of my reply, wasnt it sweet "Thanks for all ur comments, keep them coming, they r always eagerly awaited:)" hai na. U know i cant resist pulling ur leg dont tk it seriously
    @ if i were brave, thanks :)

  • At 11:33 PM, Blogger if i were brave said…

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • At 11:11 AM, Anonymous Cathy said…

    Awtss, I like this song also. Why can't he say I love you in person. hmm just wondering.

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