Thursday, October 20, 2005
Somethin tht i put in black n white a few days ago
Today im in quite a pensive mood. just thinking abt the uncertainities of life. can anyone of us ever be sure that wat's in store 4 us d next day?
Hs it ever happened to u that u were quite satisfied with a certain aspect of ur life to the extent of taking it for granted and suddenly evrything changed e.g. u call up ur best friend one day, the cellphone is switched off , no one picks up the landline, U dont know the new address and the person suddenly dissappears probably never to return to ur life.All the while u wait 4 that persons call evryday, u never switch ur phone off and dont leave any call unattended . U keep trying to figure out where hs the person disappeared.And after a few months when u hv no hope of ever talking to or meeting ur best friend he/ she suddenly turns up and evrything is normal again. OR
u talk to one of ur acquaintances at night, evrything seems normal n when u call the next afternoon the person on the other line informs u that he/she is no more. OR
Just imagine the plight of people who r leading a perfect life. But when they wake up next day there's a natural calamity n they've lost thir near n dear ones all in a matter of a few minutes
These things just show temporal evrything in this world is . But it is this uncertainity that makes life interesting. Cos if life were predictable it will be monotonous. If we know whats coming there would be no challenges in life, nothing to strive for. Life is nothing but a tussle with ur destiny . Even though u come out all beaten n scarred someday its all abt whether u fought with all ur heart and whether u've the tenacity to be ready 4 d battle again n life is beautiful if u can garner this spirit and try 2 find happiness in each n evry moment.
Thnks 4 reading this blog wil try to touch upon the funny side of life d next time. Sorry 4 being too boring this time arnd
posted by manu_the_lawgiver @ 11:48 AM  
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