Sunday, January 01, 2006
Sometimes I Wish I Could.........
'Sometimes I Wish I Could Turn Back Time' this phrase from a Backstreet Boys' song really reflects my state of mind right now.
It happens so often in our lives that we do something and later regret it. Have u ever thought the same?Well some people might say that whatever happens, happens for good and we should accept evrything that happens and look towards the future rather than being preoccupied with the past. Most of the times its possible maintain this kind of attitude. But it can be really difficult to think this ways when d stakes are too high, when there's too much to lose, when an otherwise trivial mistake has had a catastrophic effect on your life. In such circumstances its really not possible to be practical.
Life would've been so much simpler if we could just press Ctrl Z and undo things which are not to our liking.........But the fact is that life is not as easy as operating a computer(even that isnt so easy)
posted by manu_the_lawgiver @ 10:32 PM  
  • At 2:06 AM, Blogger Neha said…

    i wish that all the time!!lol.. bcos i keep doing things which i wanna undo..really if u ever find tht undo button, pass it on to me :)

  • At 7:52 PM, Blogger manu_the_lawgiver said…

    @neha, i'll definitely pass it on to u provided u dont pass it on further:)

  • At 10:55 AM, Anonymous Cathy said…

    I agree but you have to make things work and move on rather than making regrets. Chill out!

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