Monday, November 21, 2005
Kerala Memoirs-II
Since i said that there wil b a sequel so here it is(This is in continuation of d previous post so read d previous post to comprehend this one better). Well last time i mentioned only the competition and my team mates. But another unforgettable thing abt d place was its scenic beauty. Went to Kovallam Beach. It seemed like a dream. I'd never seen a beach before but i can vouch for d fact that this is must b one of the best and cleanest beaches in India.
Actually there were a lot of 'firsts" attached to this trip. It might sound surprising but it was the 1st time that i stayed at a friend's place(i.e. Anish, he's a Keralite) been to the places of many but never stayed over, first time that i went out of town without my family members or relatives, and as already mentioned first time that i went to a beach.

I just loved the food out there whether it be d traditional keralite food or the fishes or the banana chips. Even the fruits there tasted a lot better and the fruit juices a lot sweeter. Im still missing the food.

Another interesting part of the trip was d train journey. It was a 54 hr journey. While on our way to Kerala we met some school kids mostly from XIIth std who were going to Kerala 4 a shooting competition. Got quite pally wid them n stil in touch, recieve atleast one sms 4m them daily.
While on our way back we met a mallyalli family which understood only malayalam and neither Hindi nor English so initially it was a big problem communicating with them when Anish wasnt arnd cos he was sleeping for d most part of d return journey. Me and kalpy had learnt a li'l bit of malayalam 4m Anish so we wuld keep uttering the same words n sentences n this family wuld just burst out laughing seeing 2 north indians speak malayalam wid such finesse. But by d second day we'd developed an understanding wid those people and we didnt need words to get our message through cos as they say humanity is the biggest language.
Finally we reached Delhi n it seemed that i'd just woken up 4m sleep n i was engulfed with examination stress. We'd exams starting in a fortnight n i'd missed a lot of lectures cos of d competition. It's been almost a week since i came bk but still in a holiday mode n just cant start studying seriously. I hope my exams go well.
posted by manu_the_lawgiver @ 12:52 AM  
  • At 10:37 AM, Anonymous Cathy said…

    You can do it Mani. Just scan your notes and do reviews. I've experience that too when we went for competition. It was Math Thrill. Luckily, I'm exempted to any exams.

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