Wednesday, February 22, 2006
When Friends Become Strangers
Times come when one has misunderstandings with friends and they part ways. Its really difficult to come to grips with it initially when you want someone to be arnd and that friend of yours is not there. But one does move on with time

But its very difficult to move on when you have to see that person everyday at your school, college or workplace. Its just not possible to forget everything completely, everyday that person's face reminds you of d times u'd spent together, the good as well as d bad. It is one of the most agonising things to look at someone who used to be one of your best friends and then look away when u come face to face as if the two of you never knew each other.

And the most irritating part is when people with whom your interaction is limited to the ceremonious Hi!s n Hellos, come up and ask, "Did u guys have a fight with each other?" or "Arent u guys on talking terms? What happened? Don't see you guys together these days."
Why can't people just mind their own business? Why do they keep poking their noses into other people's lives?

And once people are sure that something is wrong then they start forming conjectures as to what must have happened. How can anyone have time to even think about what must have transpired between two people whom they don't even know properly? How can they even expect to figure it out? But as per the social milieu every thing must have a reason which they have a right to know and gossip about. And if they can't figure out d reason, they arrive at one themselves.

And then comes the stage of rumours and they can range from anything like " They were going around and now they have broken up" or may be "He proposed her or she proposed him so that created d problem between them" or "They always study together but he scores much better so she's jealous"....................
I have only one phrase to describe such people FULL TIME VELLAS with ELONGATED TONGUES and INSIDIOUS MINDS, in short FTV's with ET's & IM's
Common guys stop thinking about other people and concentrate on your own life.

Dedicated to someone who used to be one of my best friends. Wish things between us had always remained as they used to be.
Miss You

PS:- This is d second time in 3 posts that im dedicating a post to someone. Might have to change my name to noccifloccinihiliphiliDEDICATOR;-)
posted by manu_the_lawgiver @ 7:20 PM  
  • At 8:17 PM, Blogger if i were brave said…

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • At 6:19 PM, Blogger manu_the_lawgiver said…

    @ifiwerebrave, thanks:-)

  • At 3:54 PM, Blogger isha said…

    hey.....way before i read the dedicated part ....i was quite sure that it would be coming up....i mean most of ur blogs somehow have the same feelings in them.....they all show that u r hurt in someway bt arnt sure what the future holds....well y dont u use some nice positive WORDS n try fr things to gt btter....

  • At 8:53 PM, Blogger manu_the_lawgiver said…

    @isha, hey thanks for d advice..this post was written a year ago..i mostly blog wen im hurt about something or jus going thru a bad phase n obviouly tat reflects in the jus helps to vent out my feelings..well do blog in happier times too but that is a lil rare.. i suppose u havnt read d posts "Time for an Update" n "A case of assumed identities they were in a very jovial mood..thanks a lot for ur comments..keep them coming..take care:-)

  • At 11:06 AM, Anonymous Cathy said…

    I like your post. I remember how I we became friends. I miss my close friends already.=(

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