Wednesday, February 15, 2006
20 Random Things About Me
Tagged by the Perennial Rambler to do this a looong time ago. So here's my attempt at it hope I can get to 20:-

1. I have a multifaceted personality, different people bring out different aspects of it. If arnd ten
people are asked abt me each one would've something different to say. Some people find me very dull n boring, others say he's very witty n fun to be with; some would describe me as very shy n introvert others as very extrovert; some would call me very mature n understanding, others would say he's plain dumb; some would say he's very loving n caring others would say he takes people for granted. The list of contrasting opinions is endless.

2. The reason for these extreme views is probably cos im very moody, those who have spent a lot of time with me get to see all these aspects of my personality but those who've been therefor a short time are bound to have divergent views.

3. I forgive people very easily, dont keep any grudges in my heart.

4. If Im annoyed with someone, I would avoid that person rather than being rude to him/her.Unless of course that person is a good friend in that case I would let my friend know whatexactly pissed me off and that can be very rude. I would just take it out completely so that I can behave normally the next time.But then there are people who are on the borderline, whom you cant call friends but their actions do hurt you. In that case I just avoid that person for sometime because I know if Im hurt n angry then I can be very rude and I dont think that such people matter so much that Iwould tell them that I didnt like something. Ultimately I just forgive such people but dontforget I just keep everything in perspective in my future interactions with such people.

5. I get hurt very easily.

6. Some people call me an 'Emotional Fool'. But I don't mind that.

7. May be they say it cos I can do anything for my Friends n Family, sometimes people even tryto take advantage of that but I just completely leave it to their conscience and dont mindbeing used, I just dont refuse anything to my Friends n Family.

8. I also do help out strangers a lot but in their case Im a lot more pragmatic and and say 'NO' to them if its inconvenient for me.

9. Im a teetotaler, dont smoke too. Never even tried. My friends call me 'PURE ADULT' mockingly

10.The reason why I havent even tried is that I cant get rid of any of my habits easily I know if I try even once I might get addicted.

11. Im very possessive about my friends.

12. I cant see my own blood, I start vomiting if I see myself bleeding.

13. Im constantly thinking about something or the other, my mind keeps working 24x7. This can also lead to some absent mindedness at times.

14. I keep hurting people without even realizing it, I wish I could come to know immediately whenever I've hurt someone so that I can atleast apologize.

15. This reminds me 1 more thing, I never shy away from saying sorry. If I think I've done something inappropriate I apologize asap. Don't have any ego hassles about saying sorry.

16. I love being busy.

17. I am never satisfied with myself always wanna do more, achieve more....

18. One think I hate about myself is that I am a procrastinator. Keep postponing things until Ifind myself in a soup. If I have 10 hrs to do something which can be done in 4 hrs, I'll work sincerely for the first 2 hrs then get complacent waste d next 7hrs. Then wid just 1 hrremaining do to d 2 hr work turn into a superhuman n actually finish it in time. I wish I could complete things in time to avoid living on d edge so much.

19. I can never reach any place to attend classes on time always struggling to get ready n reachcollege or ILI in time. But if I've to meet someone otherwise I am usually on time. But somehow recently I've made people wait a lot.

20. I love to intentionally act dumb sometimes and pull people's leg that ways by asking stupid questions.

21. I sincerely believe that one can change people by kindness. I even think that its d sweetest form of revenge so if I am really angry with someone and wanna set him/her straight then instead of being rude I am sooo bloody nice to such people that first they get confused then they feel ashamed of themselves and ultimately they mend their ways. In my slang first they Noccify me, then I floccify them then they get nihilified and philified themselves. I hope now that d people who used to ask me d meaning of noccifloccinihiliphilificator wouldnt ask again.

lol... I actually managed 21, cant believe it. Well there was lots more coming to mind but I think I've already divulged more than enough. I think the formatting could've been a li'l better though:-(
posted by manu_the_lawgiver @ 7:50 PM  
  • At 11:52 PM, Blogger Neha said…

    who's the perennial rambler btw? :P
    interesting post vaise.. u noe the its very true, i think ur a very difficult person to understand.. u dnt really share ur feelings with too many ppl do u..

  • At 12:27 AM, Blogger manu_the_lawgiver said…

    @ u know who's d perennial rambler:P By Saying its an interesting post U meant tat Im an interesting person so thanks....."u noe thats very true....", I didnt write in d post that im a difficult person to understand. Infact all human beings are inherently complex creatures and are quite difficult to understand. With regard to sharing of feelings I think its quite reciprocal, I share my feelings with those who share theirs with me. Anywayz if someone asks me I dont hide anything, but I just cant go on talking abt my feelings without anyone initiating d conversation from d other side.
    Ya one thing I dont like is complaining to people abt things, if I dont llike something in someone I'll just avoid that particular trait of his/her rather than being rude and fighting abt it & complicate things further. If d person comes up to me and asks me what's wrong then I may reveal things but im not i d habit of complaining. That ways I dont share my feelings with too many people. Unless and until that person is a really good friend, in that case I would complain, I would fight with that person and make sure that the same thing doesnt happen in d future.

  • At 10:58 AM, Anonymous Cathy said…

    You have the heart Mani because you forgive easily. Most people don't do like this like my other friends. So tiring.=(

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