Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Sometimes i wish that we had no language, no words. Words cause misunderstandings, they hurt, they cause a lot of pain and many a times they are misunderstood..wish we were all mute and conveyed our feelings just by expressions. Dont know whether the world would have been a better place or not but personal relationships would have been much better. Atleast our parents wouldnt have said that u dont know how to talk to elders and friends n lovers wouldnt have had too many fights..even if they had there wont be those hurtful words said in anger, those misunderstandings or just the whole love n respect for each other vanishing in a split second jus cos of a few words. Jus think of small babies, how they express themselves....isnt that wonderful?? jus think of how many times u hv said something to someone in anger n regretted it later.....I know its jus wishful thinking inspite of all the evils that they bring with them,these words do run our life.. if there werent any words..i would hv been pressing d keys of my keyboard rt. nw n u wuldnt be reading this..if there werent any words there would be no phones...ya it wuld have been impossibl to live without them;-) no blogging, no bloggers, no orkut....on second thougts..we need words guys;-)..................... Well as the age old saying think before you speak otherwise u migt jus lose the person u cherish the most..............
posted by manu_the_lawgiver @ 1:42 AM   11 comments
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