Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Some Breathing Space At Last......
The last 3 months have been the busiest of my life. First the Client Counselling Competition at Kerala, then exams, then d internal rounds of KK Luthra Moot and finally d organization of d KK Luthra Moot Court Competition.

It had been a long time since i took part in organizing an event, did organize a lot of events while in School but this was d grandest of them all. 27 teams from d length and breadth of d country, around 3 people in each team which makes it 81 people, their food, stay etc to be looked after.
27 teams meant 14 court rooms again we needed 2 court masters and a court martial in each room for d prelims and considering the lack of willingness in people to come forward it was quite an ardous task to find so many people to participate in d organization.
We also needed people before the actual days of the competition for banners, sending out invitations, planning the whole thing. In short it involved a lot more work than seemed at d surface. However, inspite a lot of glitches we did manage to put up a good show (that's what d participating teams said)

We could have done without a few things e.g. on the inaugaration day according to the schedule the teams were to be provided wid lunch but wat was given to them was a small box wid some snacks and honestly speaking even that was quite bad.

Around four of us went to college together on the first day of d competition and we got quite late which added to the confusion and chaos. It really was quite nerve wrecking, just half an hour to go b4 d scheduled time and a lot remained to be done , it was a day that saw soaring tempers and agitated faces. But somehow everything looked smooth from outside i dont think any of the participating teams had any clue that evrything was in shambles backstage.

I was also in the Hospitality Team so there was a particular participating team that i was to look after. One of d girls 4m our college took me to them(they were 2 girls) and said"He is so and so and he is your escort for d event", i've never been more embarassed in my life, couldnt look those two girls in d eyes for the next two days, they must have thought that im rude but actually i just culdnt face them.

The last day went quite smooth cos now we were left wid only the semifinals and finals and thus just 2 court rooms compared to 14 on the first day. But there was more unforeseen trouble awaiting us, the finals were over, prize distribution ceremony had to begin immediately and the compere 4 d event was nowhere to be found, it was our teacher convenor who saved us d blushes, she did a great job and covered up everything. Well i've been repeatedly saying that everything was covered up and smooth on d surface cos at the dinner organised for the participating teams at night, the winning team said that it was the best organised moot they'd been to. That one statement made all our efforts seem worthwhile.

It was a funfilled week and brought back memories from school, it was pretty tiring too, used to reach home at arnd 9 or 10 everyday after working for d whole day.

One good thing that this competition did to d college was it inculcated a sense of belonging towards d college in many of us and made us realize even if its a post graduate course this college too is our alma mater and we do owe something to it.

Finally the three month long tribulation is over, now i can relax for sometime, hv been doing precisely that for the last two days just lying in bed and watching the Indo Pak Test Match.
But knowing myself i dont think i'll relax for too long. Lets see what assignment is awaiting me now, may be the Amity moot or i might write a paper or may be go to d courts for a month or may be a combination of any two of these or may be im being too optimistic........
posted by manu_the_lawgiver @ 10:24 PM   3 comments
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Sometimes I Wish I Could.........
'Sometimes I Wish I Could Turn Back Time' this phrase from a Backstreet Boys' song really reflects my state of mind right now.
It happens so often in our lives that we do something and later regret it. Have u ever thought the same?Well some people might say that whatever happens, happens for good and we should accept evrything that happens and look towards the future rather than being preoccupied with the past. Most of the times its possible maintain this kind of attitude. But it can be really difficult to think this ways when d stakes are too high, when there's too much to lose, when an otherwise trivial mistake has had a catastrophic effect on your life. In such circumstances its really not possible to be practical.
Life would've been so much simpler if we could just press Ctrl Z and undo things which are not to our liking.........But the fact is that life is not as easy as operating a computer(even that isnt so easy)
posted by manu_the_lawgiver @ 10:32 PM   3 comments
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