Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Hip Hip Hurray!
Exams got over today. Well a good end to a month long agony rather i shuld say a 2 month long agony. Participated in a competition just before d exams n had to study day n night for that too.Never studied so much in my whole life.But cant relax even now another competition coming up and will start preparing for it from day after 2moro. Have given myself just one day to relax, rest, to go out, meet friends and to party will have do to all this in a space of 24 hrs seems quite impossible but considering d kind of things i've been managing lately i think i'll manage this too. Have been living literaly on d edge as they say, trying to cram up things in shortest possible time. My brother too had exams, he's a year junior to me so had to teach him too rather i'd to study along wid him so was studying for two semesters at d same time. Normally i do attend classes regularly and hv a fair idea abt all subjects before d exams start, but this time arnd i was completely clueless, hadnt attended too many classes was too much into extra curricular activities. Stil cant believe i actually managed everything pretty well, except for d first exam, the rest of them went as well as any other exams. Feeling quite relieved today, but there's no respite hv to start afresh for the competition from day after 2moro. Hope i've enuf left in me to give my best to it.
posted by manu_the_lawgiver @ 7:47 PM   3 comments
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Where is our society headed?
Well exams still on & i'd thought i wouldnt blog till they get over but just couldnt hold back.
Havent posted anything substantial for over a month now. Well wanted to write abt a lot of things but its just that i culdnt get enough time
One thing tat really moved me was wen i saw d newspaper one morning and read abt a father having raped his daughter and was sentenced by d Supreme court to imprisonment for life. The Hon'ble Supreme Court in tat case had made very emotional remarks abt the incident and had expressed deep concern abt d way things stand today where a daughter cant even trust her father. The father had taken d defence tat he'd been falsely implicated in d case at d instance of his wife as there was some matrimonial dischord between the two and so his wife had persuaded his daughter to make this allegation but this defence was outrightly rejected and d court even rebuked d father for having come up wid such a defence. I was shocked, anguished, concerned..after reading all this but there was more to come Two days later it was in d paper tat the daughter had filed an affidavit in d court tat the charges against the father were infact false n wat her father had stated was true and i was again shocked, it seemed like making a mockery of the court proceedings d judges themselves must hv been very embarassed. I was really apalled after reading abt d whole incident, cant say whether the daughter was saying the truth at the first instance or was she stating d truth later but watever might hv been d case, it just felt so abominable............ Where is our society headed?
posted by manu_the_lawgiver @ 7:58 PM   3 comments
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